Ice bathing help with sleep problems?

By Johan Seistrup

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Trygfonden has mapped out initiatives and strategies for how society can tackle "poor sleep" and how "poor sleep" has significant consequences for our well-being and health. Prolonged sleep problems can weaken the immune system and increase the risk of various conditions and diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, mental health disorders, and premature death.

The issue of sleep problems is a high priority on the barometer when our customers purchase an ice tub from Nordkilde. Many are trying to find the golden solution to combat sleeplessness. There are indications suggesting that ice bathing may have a positive effect on health-related areas, including stress and well-being. Also, it's being tested for various physical issues such as back problems, psoriasis, or other physical discomforts.

Ice bathing as a potential solution

Ice Bathing is a form of cold therapy that has been used for centuries to treat various health problems. In recent years, there has been research into how ice bathing can affect our sleep quality. However, the research is so limited that one cannot conclude whether ice tubbing has a 100% beneficial effect on sleep quality. Many studies are based on a limited number of participants, and the methods used vary significantly. Some test cold water baths under the shower, while others do it at temperatures below 15 degrees. Therefore, it can still be concluded that ice bathing and the experience of both ice tub and winter bathing, in general, are highly subjective.

Call to Action

If you're interested in trying ice tubbing to improve your sleep quality, we recommend starting gradually, increasing the duration of your ice baths as you become more accustomed to them.

Here are some tips to get started with ice bathing:

Begin with a warm shower or a brisk exercise to warm up your body before exposing yourself to the cold. Sit in an ice tub and focus on controlling your breathing. You can start with a cold shower for 30 seconds and gradually increase the duration. If you feel too cold, you can always stop and take a warm shower. Ice bathing is a safe and effective way to enhance your sleep quality. However, it's essential to start slowly and gradually increase the duration of your ice tubs as you become more accustomed to them.

Why is Sleep Important?

Sleep is crucial for our physical and mental well-being. When we don't get enough sleep, it can lead to various issues, including increased risk of diseases, weight gain, mood swings, and reduced cognitive function.

The three studies we've referenced (at the bottom of the blog) demonstrate that short sleep duration is associated with several negative health consequences. One study found that individuals sleeping less than 7 hours per night had an increased risk of dying from cardiovascular diseases, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Another study discovered that individuals sleeping less than 6 hours per night had an increased risk of becoming overweight or obese. The third study found that individuals sleeping less than 5 hours per night had an increased risk of developing depression.

Ice bathing in Historical Context

Ice bathing is an ancient tradition used to improve health for centuries. In recent years, research into the health benefits of ice bathing has suggested its positive impact on sleep quality.

A 2017 study revealed that individuals taking a cold bath for 10 minutes daily over a week had better sleep at night compared to those who didn't take cold baths. The study also observed that individuals taking cold baths had lower nighttime blood pressure.

Another 2018 study showed that individuals taking a cold bath for 2 minutes daily over a month experienced improved sleep quality and a reduced risk of insomnia.

Call to Action

For more information on ice tubbing and its health benefits, please visit our website or contact us.

Specific Points to Highlight in the Blog Post:
  • Ice bathing shows modest trends in aiding quicker sleep onset.
  • Ice bathing shows modest trends in enhancing sleep quality.
  • Ice bathing shows trends in reducing the risk of insomnia. Articles and References about Sleep

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