Danish TV delves into Nordkilde and their collaboration with a sports boarding school: Ice bathing is here to stay

By Johan Seistrup

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In recent weeks, a group of adventurous students from Skibelund Gymnastics and Sports Boarding School have taken a dive into a world that challenges both body and mind: the icy embrace of ice bathing. In collaboration with Skibelund Gymnastics and Sports Boarding School, Nordkilde has conducted a 4-week testing program. A program where Nordkilde aimed to figure out how ice bathing could be implemented for students and within a sports setup.

Inspired by the quest for inner peace, better sleep, and improved performance both in school and in sports, these young people have voluntarily chosen to become pioneers in an exciting ice bathing experiment.

Ice bathing, known for its numerous health benefits including increased mental clarity and improved immune system, was previously reserved for the few hardy souls. But this story is not just about challenging physical tolerance to cold. It's a tale of courage, community, and the unexpected joy of embracing discomfort.

Through this journey, the students haven't just discovered a new hobby; they've experienced personal growth and a stronger sense of camaraderie. The results speak for themselves - improved sleep, greater concentration, and an overall enhancement of mental well-being are just some of the benefits reported by the students.

Their story is a powerful reminder that sometimes we need to step out of our comfort zone to find what truly matters. Ice bathing at Skibelund Gymnastics and Sports Boarding School has become more than just an experiment; it has become a path to self-discovery and community.

To delve deeper into this refreshing tale of courage, collaboration, and icy plunges that warm young hearts, you can read the full account here: Read more about the boarding school students' ice bathing adventure.

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